Start a file of all correspondence in relation to your house purchase. Keep this file with you so that you always have the latest information to hand and all contact names, phone numbers and addresses.
One month before
Make a list of all the organisations who you’ll need to inform about your move and start making telephone calls now:
- bank/building society
- credit card/store card providers
- house and car insurance
- family and friends
- employer
- inland revenue
- utility companies
- phone providers – domestic and mobile
- internet service provider
- Royal Mail
- cable/satellite company
- TV licence
- doctor/dentist/optician
Three weeks before
Book a provisional date with your removal company.
One week before
Start packing! Label your boxes with the room they are to go into at your new home and what is in the box.
The day before
- Make sure all cars are filled with petrol
- Pack a survival kit to get you through the first day in your new home. You could include: kettle, tea/coffee, crisps, biscuits, toilet paper, soap and towels.
On the day
Good luck and use the prospect of a moving in party to motivate you when you’re unpacking all those boxes!